Out of Hours Emergencies
If you require urgent medical advice outside of surgery opening hours, please follow the guidance below:
If you think that your problem is a medical emergency, please phone 999.
If you think that your medical problem is urgent but not an emergency and you cannot wait until the surgery re-opens, please phone 111
NHS 111 can help you if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do.
To get help from NHS 111, you can:
- go to 111.nhs.uk (for people ages 5 and over)
- call 111
NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The NHS 111 number is free to call from landlines and mobiles
If you’re Deaf and would like to use the NHS 111 phone service, you can use the NHS 111 British Sign Language service:
- England – NHS 111 (BSL) interpreter service
- You can all call 18001 111 on a text phone.
- NHS 111 online
- NHS 111 BSL Service