Health & Wellbeing Champion Volunteer
Health and Wellbeing Champions are individuals who work at all levels of the NHS, from all demographics and roles, who will promote, identify and signpost their colleagues to local and national health and wellbeing support offers.
This is intended to be taken on as a responsibility in addition to their day to day role.
See what our previous Health Champion had to say:
My role at Wood Lane Medical Centre as a Health Champion has enabled me to gain a great insight of what working within the healthcare sector is like, develop key skills and learn from experienced health professionals. Also I learnt about how a GP Practice operates and really enjoyed helping and interacting with patients.
I was given responsibility to undertake many tasks which included writing the practice newsletter, helping patients sign up and navigate online services such as Patient Access, develop waiting room campaign boards and review practice questionnaires. In addition I planned and promoted the Heath Champion Wellbeing Service which involved researching leisure activities to improve the wellbeing of patients in the community.
Volunteering as a Health Champion will help me going forward as I had the opportunity to make contacts who shared their experience and advice about the industry. I really recommend the role to anyone who is considering a career in health, learn more about what’s involved in the sector and would like to develop a wide range of skills.
– George