Grief after bereavement or loss
Most people experience grief when they lose something or someone important to them. If these feelings are affecting your life, there things you cant try that may help. Support is available if you are finding it hard to cope with stress, anxiety or depression.
- try talking about your feelings to a friend, family member, health professional or counsellor – you could also contact a bereavement support organisation such as Cruse or call: 0808 808 1677
- if you are struggling to sleep, get sleep tips from Every Mind Matters
- consider peer support, where people use their experiences to help each other. Find out more about peer support on the Mind website
- listen to free mental wellbeing audio guides
- try the 6 ways to feel happier, which are simple lifestyle changes to help you feel more in control and able to cope
- do not try to do everything at once – set small targets that you can easily achieve
- do not focus on the things you cannot change – focus your time and energy into helping yourself feel better
- try no to tell yourself that you’re alone – most people feel grief after a lost and support is available
- try not to use alcohol, cigarettes, gambling or drugs to relieve grief – these can all contribute to poor mental health
You can find further information and support about:
- grief and bereavement on the Cruse website
- losing your partner or child in pregnancy
- losing someone to suicide on the Mind website
The GOV.UK website also has information about what to do after someone dies, such a registering the death and planning a funeral.