Third Sector Organisations

Admiral Nurses

Admiral Nurses provide the specialist dementia support that families need. Supported and developed by Dementia UK, they provide life-changing support for families affected by all forms of dementia – including Alzheimer’s disease. If you are caring for someone with dementia and would like to find out more about how Admiral Nurses could help you we would encourage you to attend a Carers Information day.

Health professionals and informal carers can call the team to make a referral on: 01895 556480.

To attend an information day please complete the self-referral form below and post to:

The Hillingdon Admiral Nurse Team
3W/11 Civic Centre

If you have any questions regarding Admiral Nurses or need help completing the referral form a member of our practice team would be more than happy to help.



Age UK Hillingdon

Age UK Hillingdon, Harrow and Brent provide a wide range of services that make later life better in Hillingdon. These services range from advice about benefits, housing and transport options – to health care providers and shopping options.

Alternatively you can contact Age UK using the below information:

Tel: 020 8756 3040



Alzheimer’s Society Hillingdon 

Alzheimer’s Society offer support for people with dementia, their carers and their family. For carers of people with dementia the dementia support workers offer information and practical guidance to help you understand dementia, cope with day-to-day challenges and prepare for the future. They offer information to people who are worried about their memory and ongoing support to people affected by dementia face to face, over the phone or in writing.

Tel: 01923 842444



Carers Trust Hillingdon

Carers Trust provide support, advice and information for all unpaid carers of all ages in the London borough of Hillingdon. They work to improve support and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring, unpaid, for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addition problems. They support carers from as young as 5 years old as well as support for adult carers.

Tel: 01895 811206


DASH (Disablement Association Hillingdon) 

DASH provide vital support and events for people with Disabilities in Hillingdon. DASH Hillingdon provide advice, support and activities that allow disabled people to take control of their lives and become more independent, confident and part of the community.

DASH is an inclusive organisation and promotes independence to every individual.​

Tel: 020 8848 8319



Diabetes UK

Diabetes UK is a British-based patient, healthcare professional and research charity that has been described as “one of the foremost diabetes charities in the UK”. The charity campaigns for improvements in the care and treatment of people with diabetes. The team provide a helpline, local support groups, Type 1 events, online Learning Zone and more.

If you would like to know more:

Website: Diabetes UK – Know diabetes. Fight diabetes. | Diabetes UK

Diabetes UK – Harrow and District Group: Diabetes UK – Local Groups – Harrow and District (

Using new funds allocated to improve services in NW London, CCGs & patient groups have developed the Know Diabetes Service. Their vision is to support people with diabetes, and those at risk of developing type 2 diabetes to live their lives to the fullest in North West London. They aim to do this by providing access to the latest information for living well so everyone can live a happier and longer life.

Website: Diabetes in North West London | Know Diabetes

Google Translate

If English isn’t your first language, Google Translate is a good tool to use during your appointment.

Google Translate is a free multilingual machine translation service developed by Google, to translate text.

Google Translate provides the following:

  • Text translation: Translate between 103 languages by typing
  • Conversations: Translate bilingual conversations (32 languages)

The Google Translate app is compatible with multiple smartphone/devices – it is available both in the App Store (iPhone) and Google Play (Android).

Harlington Hospice

Harlington Hospice is a community hospice working throughout the London Borough of Hillingdon. They provide services for people at the end of their lives and support families with bereavement and loss. 

Tel: 020 8759 0453




H4All is a community interest company (CIC) made up of five prominent third sector charities; Age UK Hillingdon, DASH Hillingdon, Hillingdon Carers, Harlington Hospice and Hillingdon Mind.

The aim of H4All is to develop collaborative services that improve the health and well-being of residents in Hillingdon, simplify access to the extensive preventative resources provided by third sector organisations and promote alternative community based assets and support.

For more information regarding the H4All partners please visit:

H4All provide the following services (click each one to find out more):

Mermaids UK – Gender Dysphoria

Mermaids UK

Mermaids support transgender, non binary and gender-diverse children and young people until their 20th birthday, as well as their families and professionals involved in their care.

Transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse children and teens needs support and understanding, as well as the freedom to explore their gender identity. Whatever the outcome, Mermaids is committed to helping families navigate the challenges they may face.

Mermaids is passionate about supporting children, young people, and their families to achieve a happier life in the face of great adversity. They work to raise awareness about gender nonconformity in children and young people amongst professionals and the general public. They campaign for the recognition of gender dysphoria in young people and lobby for improvements in professional services.

If you are a young person that feels at odds with their birth gender, or you are a parent with a child who feels this way, Mermaids can help.

Mermaid work to:

  • Reduces isolation and loneliness fore transgender, non binary and gender-diverse children, young people and their families.
  • Provides families and young people with the tools they need to negotiate the education and health services.
  • Helps young people to cope better with mental and emotional distress, and equips their parents with what they need to offer individual support.
  • Improves the self-esteem and social skills of children and young people.
  • Improve awareness, understanding and practices of teachers, GP’s, CAMHS, Social Services and other professionals.

To find out more:


Mind in Hillingdon 

Mind in Hillingdon supports those with mental health issues by providing groups and activities to improve social networks and inclusion and provide a range of services.

To find out more visit their website: Mind in Hillingdon – Wellbeing West London

Tel: 01895 271 559


Address: Uxbridge Wellbeing Hub, 40 New Windsor St UB8 2TU


PMR GCA UK is a registered charity established to meet the needs of people with Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PM) and Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) It is the national charity supporting people with these debilitating conditions as well as their friends, families and professionals. It works to provide information and to raise awareness of these conditions to the public.

It provides support through:

  • membership
  • regional support groups
  • healthunlocked forum
  • helpline
  • social media e.g. facebook and twitter

Helpline Telephone: 0300 111 5090

