Online Counselling Service
Kooth is a safe, confidential and anonymous mental health and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through any connected device.
Available free at the point of use, Kooth helps to reduce wait times for young people seeking help while removing the stigma associated with accessing help.
Kooth is a safe and secure way of accessing support for your emotional health and wellbeing from a professional team of qualified counsellors available.
It has a wide variety of support available, this includes:
- a chat function for young people to speak to a member of their helpful team about anything that is on your mind. You can message or contact them on live chat.
- write in your own daily journal to track your feelings or emotions and reflect on how you’re doing
- discussion boards allow you to start or join a conversation with their friendly Kooth community.
- Kooth Magazine – provides helpful articles, personal experiences and tips from young people and the Kooth team.
- Kooth is a well-established, award winning online counselling service and is accredited by The British Association of Psychotherapy and Counselling (BACP).
- Kooth has no referral or waiting lists! All you need to do is sign into the Kooth site using this link: Kooth